We don't need more fossil fuels

Exploration for new fossil fuel deposits should stop now, because we have already discovered far more than we can safely burn. That means no fracking, no oil rigs in the Arctic, no tar sands. It also means no investment in fossil fuel companies as long as they continue to use their profits to “drill, baby, drill” —…

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A time for renewed hope—and action

The end of the year is a time for evaluation and introspection. What have we achieved? What do we want to achieve? Like everyone else, those of us who care about averting climate chaos are thinking about what has happened in 2014—and what might be possible in 2015. Looking backward, in fact, is heartening: the climate movement…

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A call to action for the climate crisis

Russell Kilday-Hicks is a climate activist from San Francisco State University and vice president of the California State Employees Association. This is a letter he sent to fellow CSEA members. Dear State Employee Colleagues, Please allow me a few minutes of your time to call attention to the looming crisis for our children and grandchildren…

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